Fun Fall Activities for Adults

Fall is upon us and there are lots of things that you can do for fun this time of year. Growing up in Iowa this was one of my favorite seasons and I have fond memories of the leaves falling and the cooling temperatures. Now that I am in Southern California, I have to discover some new things to do. Here’s a list of fall 5 oriented activities that I plan on trying but I’m interested in what you have planned. I need some ideas people!!

1. Go to an Apple Orchard and reap the bounty!

I am planning on checking out a few local orchards to the San Diego Area near a city called Julian. They have a few and you can get up 5 lbs for $10. Now what to do with all those apples! Here’s some ideas. I’m not a cook though so you’ll have to Google some interesting recipes.

  • Make Carmel Apples
  • Make Apple Chips
  • Make A Pie
  • Some Good Ol’ Cider


2. Go camping in a forested area like San Bernadino Hills or on a nice fall hike in the morning.

There are a lot of cool campsites near and around San Diego county and now that its getting cooler its far more comfortable to camp. If your not up for a big trip then a nice stroll down a trail is fun. You can nature watch and maybe even see  few falling leaves. If your in San Diego Telecote and Rose Canyon are some pretty urban ones to try out.


3. Carve a Pumpkin, throw a Halloween party, or go to a haunted house.

I mean come on its a tradition! Look how much fun I am having.


Yes that’s me looking slightly miserable…

 And yes, that’s me about 15 years older also looking slightly miserable. Both times I’m asking what I’ve gotten myself into ^_^12674_10101552890102632_632418653_n

4. Throw on some flannel.

What says fall  more than thermals and flannel!


5. Catch a football game ( high school or professional)!

Woof Woof Woof! Cheer for your favorite team and maybe enjoy a nice cold beer later. Man, I love fall 🙂
